Course Description

Wealth Blueprint is a deep dive into your subconscious beliefs about having and keeping money in your life and changing them so you can actually have money.

 Join me for a 6-week money journey and change everything you thought you knew about wealth?

In this 6 week course, I take you through the most common stopping points about money and kindly transport you to a new space of kindness to you with money. What would your life be like if your relationship with money was kind?

You can choose to stay where you are with wealth on one side of the fence and you on the other or you can jump the fence, will you?

What will a 6 week deep dive do to your financial future?

Using these same tools that I facilitate, I have taken myself to barely being able to afford a condo that wasn't worth the mortgage I had on it to now living in a 3700 square foot country mansion and having no mortgage on it. 

How does my life get even better than that? By helping you create what it is that you are here to create, that's how!

I do hope you jump the fence!

"Jennifer is a wealth of knowledge and has a down to earth demeanor that is easy to relate to. The tools work and made a tremendous impact in my life." Wealth Blueprint Participant

"The unlocking of financial abuse call is phenomenal" Shruti Agarwal

"Since completing Wealth Blueprint, I have been choosing to receive ME like never before. I have received free healing sessions, free calls, been forwarded to resources and have been gifted with a $497 business building program...It has been 'uncomfortable', working and connecting with you. I appreciate that. I'm happy I chose to not let that stop me from choosing. The way things are now, is that I'd rather be uncomfortable then not being present at all, which has been the case a LOT! I'm super grateful that I have the tools to be with 'uncomfortable' and whatever and oh, to NOT judge? Thank you so much for contributing to my life and living." xxx Jeanet Annoff

"Since completing Wealth Blueprint, I fully paid for my Wedding and Reception!" Wealth Blueprint Participant

"Since completing Wealth Blueprint I received an inheritance in excess of $400,000.00" Wealth Blueprint Participant

"Since completing Wealth Blueprint, I have spent more money on me and have generated a lot more income with my business." Wealth Blueprint Participant

"Since completing Wealth Blueprint, my husband and I have discovered our home is now worth $150,000.00 more than we paid for it!" Wealth Blueprint Participant

#1 Bestselling Author, Speaker, Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator and Coach

Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Jennifer Cramer Lewis is a professional speaker, coach, Certified Access Consciousness™ Facilitator, Founder of Brilliance Blueprint and the creator of popular programs like Soulmate Blueprint, Freedom Blueprint and Wealth Blueprint. Jennifer is the go-to facilitator when something is disconnected in your life and impacting your business. Using an exclusive combination of facilitation and energetic alignment, this funny lady will have your business and body laughing all the way to the bank. Jennifer's coaching clients have cured life threatening illnesses, repaired broken homes, left abusive ones, met their dream partner and fallen in love all while growing their businesses and dropping all their barriers to making more money than they ever thought possible. Jennifer loves to help her clients put an end to putting themselves last. "Jennifer's insights drill to the core of what every entrepreneur struggles with on a daily basis. During Jennifer’s “Grow Your Business Without Blowing Yourself Up” signature talk, she provides pragmatic solutions for being overwhelmed and overworked. Her teachings have already saved me a lot of time and effort. I now approach things with more ease than ever. My husband and I continue to use the strategies Jennifer taught us, and it has improved our concentration, focus, and sense of calm throughout the day."Jennifer Henczel, Founder Connect Now Business Network

Course curriculum

  • 2

    #1 What the Heck is Wealth? Deleting Old Patterns of Lack and Scarcity

    • #1 Video Class

    • What the Heck Is Wealth #1 Audio Downloadable

    • Clearings for What the Heck Is Wealth Downloadable Audio

    • PDF Written Clearings for Wealth 1 What the Heck is Wealth?

  • 3

    Bonus Chapter Unlocking the Incarcerations of Financial Abuse

    • Wealth Blueprint Bonus Unlocking the Incarcerations of Financial Abuse

    • Audio Wealth Blueprint Unlocking the Incarcerations of Financial Abuse Bonus Event Audio Download

    • PDF Written Clearings for Unlocking the Incarcerations of Financial Abuse

    • Clearings for Unlocking the Incarcerations of Financial Abuse Downloadable Audio

  • 4

    What the Heck Do I Do with Wealth #1

    • Video What the Heck do I do with Wealth?

    • What the Heck do I do with Wealth Audio Downloadable

    • Clearings for What the Heck do I Do With Wealth Audio Downloadable

    • PDF Written Clearings What the Heck Do I Do with Wealth

  • 5

    What the Heck is Wealth? Intermediate

    • What the Heck is Wealth Intermediate Video

    • What the Heck is Wealth Intermediate Downloadable Audio

    • PDF Written Clearings What the Heck is Wealth? Intermediate

    • Clearings for What the Heck Is Wealth Intermediate Audio Downloadable

  • 6

    What the Heck Do I Do with Wealth Intermediate

    • Develop A Monthly Operating Budget for Your Biggest Investment (YOU!)

    • What the Heck is Wealth Intermediate: Is Money Coming to Your Party?

    • What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Intermediate Downloadable Audio

    • Clearings for What the Heck Do I Do with Wealth Intermediate

    • PDF Written Clearings for What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Intermediate

  • 7

    What the Heck Is Wealth Advanced

    • What the Heck is Wealth Advanced

    • What the Heck Is Wealth Advanced Downloadable Audio

    • Clearings for What the Heck is Wealth Advanced

    • PDF Clearings for What the Heck Is Wealth Advanced

  • 8

    What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Advanced

    • What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Advanced

    • What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Advanced Downloadable Audio

    • PDF Clearings for What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Advanced

    • Clearings for What the Heck Do I Do With Wealth Advanced

  • $175.00

    $175.00Big Distractions or Big Money

    Buy Now